Intermodulation Distortion in The Mix
Where you place saturation and distortion in your signal chain can significantly impact the levels of unpleasant intermodulation distortion in your mix.
Music, Art & Engineering
Where you place saturation and distortion in your signal chain can significantly impact the levels of unpleasant intermodulation distortion in your mix.
DSP engineering has come a long way in implementing fantastic sounding saturation designs for the ITB mix engineer. To understand saturation, let’s look at the flavors of saturation we encounter in both analog and digital domains to gain a better understanding of how and why they sound.
Nearly eighteen years after the first freeware cross-platform version of ReaComp was introduced, it still provides one of the most extensive ranges of control parameters in a compressor. Exploring its features serves as a primer on compression.
Why has the 1176 compressor been a staple in hit pop mixes for over a half century? Let’s explore the magic within the box.
You know the old saying, “the right tools for the job…”
Has mastering become an overloaded term in audio production? What is it and where is it going?
It’s difficult to appreciate now, but from an audio production standpoint, almost everything about “The Joshua Tree” was antithetical to the prevailing norms of 1987.
What is the relationship between maximizing loudness, psychoacoustics and perceptual lossy compression? Does loudness maximization affect the quality of streaming audio?
Comparing AI models to human creative processes, considering why people like certain styles of music, and how lateral thinking tools can help us create more original music.
Perhaps the most important bias in our tone is the cognitive one.
Music producers who work exclusively in the digital domain seem to be obsessed with “analog vibe and character.”
As computers become more powerful, the quest for convincing “analog emulation” is more intense than ever, but there are still misconceptions about the underlying technologies and their inherent applications. Discover why it has taken so long to convincingly bridge the divide.