Tornado Season

Tornadoes and strong storms flattened homes and businesses acrossSumner county, leaving a trail of destruction several miles long, and at least 167 homes were destroyed in the Gallatin area alone. At least seven people injured in the storm were being treated at Hendersonville Medical Center. Hospital spokeswoman Marissa Murphy said the hospital was operating on Continue reading Tornado Season

Cut the cord, slap it on the butt, give it a laptop…

In 2002, theorganization known as “One Laptop Per Child” set out to do what many thought was impossible or impractical: build a mass-production laptop with a price tag under $100 thatis incredibly durable,can surf the web,and even run without electrical outlets via a hand-crank power supply. The concept is targeted at emerging markets (think Sudan), Continue reading Cut the cord, slap it on the butt, give it a laptop…

Junk Buddha

They say what goes around comes around, and in this case, I believe the “karma” is good. After nearly six years, I have created a memorial website for the Murfreesboro drum&bass project Junk Buddha. It features an ongoing history from members, downloadable music in the mp3 format,as well a variety photos from the period. The Continue reading Junk Buddha