
Explore the Music

Explore the Music

Greetings! I’ve been uploading select samples of music I’ve recorded or collaborated on since this blog’s inception. Explore all posts tagged with audio uploads.

Zen Business & Creativity (Or six ways to die as a creative)

A colleague recently told me about an interesting interview he read with Ed Catmull, who just published a book on Pixar.  One of the key insights was that he observed how poor management allows organization to smother the creative genius of important company talent.  I’ve been fortunate, and intentional enough to avoid traditional organizational structures Continue reading Zen Business & Creativity (Or six ways to die as a creative)

Introducing The SpinDesk

My friend Steve Ferussi and I are debuting what we hope will be a groundbreaking new product tomorrow at the Nashville Music City Marathon. Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the SpinDesk

People Don’t Click Banner Ads Or Anything That Acts Like Them

That’s right: people don’t click on banner ads. And what’s more, the average user has learned to ignore them and anything that looks like them. “Banner blindness,” has become a serious issue for designers, and is terrifying to the droves of “Freemium” publishers and services out there. It also reminds us how important applied usability Continue reading People Don’t Click Banner Ads Or Anything That Acts Like Them

Video: Beware Of The Social Media Maniacs

There was a great deal of feedback and interest on my recent post on social media, so I’ve created a video version of the same content with additional commentary and information.  Filmed in my office rather quickly without all the expensive lights 😉

Beware Of The Social Media Marketing Maniacs!

Wasn’t advertising invented to overcome the limitations of word of mouth marketing? Until Social Media Marketing As A Service matures or establishes a reliable method of demonstrating ROI, it is not necessarily a smart investment for small or medium sized businesses. Beware of the hype. Of the thousands of “Social Media Gurus” popping up, how Continue reading Beware Of The Social Media Marketing Maniacs!

Hmm… Does Your Site Work On iPhone?

Wow, great new website you have there! Too bad it’s useless to the new generation of web users on the go who need to find you! Smart phones are everywhere. At the rate we’re seeing their adoption, everyone will have them within 5 years.